Report from Overshoot Day at The Stand

According to Global Footprint Network, August 8th was Earth Overshoot Day, the day when humanity had used up its natural resources budget for the entire year, with carbon sequestration making up more than half of the demand on nature. I have been an environmental activist for the past 10 years and my activism has led me to the understanding that this is the most important issue facing us on the planet. I now speak wherever and whenever I can on the importance of looking after earth, our only home… and the only one that I know of with chocolate!

Workshop: One Tangible Skill – Choosing a Website Platform

One Tangible Skill

Making a website for your organization can be easy— but knowing where to start is hard! In the past couple of years, the options for “website platforms” — the software to build a website with — have multiplied. It can be bewildering to a new person: should you use WordPress? Squarespace? Shopify? or something else? What