Become a Monthly Sustainer of The Stand

What is a Sustainer Donor?

Sustainer Donors provide regular, monthly donations that:

  • Provide a reliable income stream that we can count on from month to month to carry out our work
  • Maintain our freedom to speak and act on critical issues, saying what needs to be said without fear of losing funding from government or corporate sponsors

What do sustainer donations pay for?

Our current goal is to reach $2200/month in sustainer donations so that we can:

  • Maintain our minimal overhead expenses (Eg. rent, insurance)
  • Increase The Stand Coordinator position to two days/week

With these basic operating costs covered by monthly Sustainer Donors, we will be able to put all of The Stand’s rental income from meeting and event bookings towards:

  • Community Organizing Fund – to support grassroots activist groups with subsidized rentals and small grants to support their work
  • Building Fund – to save for a down payment on a community owned building in the future

What are the perks of becoming a Sustainer Donor?

  • Membership in The Stand Community Organizing Centre
  • Invitations to community events hosted at The Stand
  • Meeting Time – 1 hour of meeting time/month for every $15 (Eg. $45 monthly donation = 3 hours/month; Your time can also be transferred to a member group of your choice.)

You’ll be able to increase, reduce or suspend your monthly support at any time, by writing us at or reaching us at our main office number, (306) 955-3070.

How do I become a Sustainer Donor?

Just provide us with your information below, and we will follow up with you by phone within 7-10 days.

Donate (Become a Sustainer Donor)

Contact-only version of the form. Sustainer donations at The Stand are set up manually after contact with the donor.

"*" indicates required fields

Your name*
This field is optional but lets us determine where our audience is located.
Phone type*
Optional field. Feel free to talk about what interests you about the Stand, why you’d like to support our organization, etc.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.